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Showing posts with label Microsoft softwares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft softwares. Show all posts

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to
Internet Explorer 7

Take a few minutes to learn more about what's new with Internet Explorer 7. This tour will help you discover the changes to Internet Explorer and help you find your favorite features.

Visit Microsoft Update for the latest security downloads and more

What's Included

Word 2007
Word 2007
Helps you create and share professional-looking
documents and reports.

Excel 2007
Excel 2007Helps you track budgets, keep track of data and
make more informed decisions.

PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint 2007
Helps you quickly create high-impact,
dynamic presentations.

OneNote 2007

OneNote 2007A digital notebook solution, allowing you to gather notes and information in one place.

Try Office Home and StudentBuy it now for $99.99

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